Des Voeux Road 1976

Source: This image came from Flickr, see

Date picture taken


My Dad's office was in the building next to the Bank of East Asia (can't remember the name).  Dairy Lane (of waffle fame) was on the ground and mezzanine floors of the same building (hidden by the tram in this photo).

Lane Crawford was next door, and I remember the interior of the Gloucester Arcade being rather dark. 

.. and Windsor House was next to the Bank of East Asia Buiding.-


moved from:

My Dad's office was in [Windsor House] the [same] building as Dairy Lane in Central.  As a very special treat, the whole family (5 kids) were allowed to go on Saturday and have lunch at Dairy Lane until my Dad could join us after his Saturday half-day of work at noon.  

The restaurant was on the mezzanine floor with a staircase similar to the way the Mandarin lobby is designed (but definitely not flash).  It was at Dairy Lane that I first learned that it was impolite to blow bubbles into your milk with your straw.  Good heavens, then what is a straw for - asked my infant brain ?  I can pick up the glass and drink the milk without it.  In fact, that question has never been properly answered to this day.

And the waffles - just like in America - I was told.  In today's world of "all day breakfast", I still remember feeling decadent eating waffles in a restaurant at noon smothered with butter and syrup.