Fishing Village - a different view of Sok Kwu Wan ?

Thanks everybody, and I do appreciate your input. Most of my labelled prints and albums were abandoned to the Iraquis in Kuwait but I did salvage most of the negatives - hence the guesswork. This is another from the same strip so is possibly the same village. Clues are the Red/Blue Ensign  flying on the stern of the ferry (?) on the right of the pic and the characters on the building in the centre announcing the presence of a 'bone doctor' !

Date picture taken
Shows place(s)


This one doesn't look like SKW. However, it's a while since I've been and my memory is poor :-\ 

Hi there,

The skyline doesn't look like Sok Ku Wan.  Ling Kok Shan would be a bit taller than that.  Maybe somewhere on the other side of the island?   By the concentration of houses, maybe Yung Shu Wan.  Need further comparison though.