Sea transfere of bombs with Police Launch No. 1

Date picture taken


Bomb disposal officers and devices were collected by police gun boats and taken out to the big boat above aka The Commissioners Launch then the devices were taken out to the 3 mile deep trench out to sea and disposed of.

I most definitely DO remember the launch, although I served on her sister ship, PL 2, for a few years in the mid-1970’s. I never heard of her referred to as “the Commissioner’s launch,” as Mr. Carpenter asserts above. If there was any launch with such a title, it would have been either PL 7 or PL 8; I cannot remember which one.

PL 1 was the command launch of what was known as East Sector of Marine Division  - part of the Marine District of the RHKP. When everything was upgraded in the 1980’s, East Sector became East Division, and went from being commanded by a Chief Inspector to a Superintendent.

Pl 1 was the “command launch” of East Sector and was based at Aberdeen Marine Police Base. There were 2 crews, “A” and “B,” and they would work 3 days on the launch and 3 days off.

At sea the launch was commanded either by a Chief Inspector, (the “A” crew), who was the Sector Commander, or a Senior Inspector / Inspector, (the “B” crew).

I'm not sure if it was the case in the 70s but ordnance is disposed of in Lo Chau Mun - the channel that runs between Beaufort and Po Toi islands. At 70+ metres it's the deepest point in HK waters.