Kai Tak Approach Lights

Kai Tak Approach lights,

(from a video I found)

Date picture taken


Hi T and Moddsey,

yes I was talking about the theatre, but exactly where I can't remember. I can only recall the last movie I saw was taking in early 80s, a Cantonese movie by Simon Yam and Kwan Hoi-shan.

BTW I managed to find a pic of the theatre from Google the other day and had posted it for sharing.


Hi Ray,

If this is the case, the theatre would be in the present day location of these few taller buildings.  Probably not all the way through the bigger block though,

There is one interesting thing of the bigger block of building as it used to host the first high-tech cark park in Hong Kong.  Something like a pre-curser of the type of Car Parks as seen in the movie Mission Impossible IV in a much smaller scale.  That was a bit more than a decade ago.  The parking system failed some time later and it ceased to operate.  

From the Street View there is still a car park sign there.  Don't know if the current car park service has anything to do with the one ten years before.

Best Regards,


Hi T,

thanks for the information.

BTW, can you teach me how to post a picture and create a link in the message like what you did above? 'cause I am quite new to this website.


Hi Ray,

When you create a new comment, or reply to an existing message, you should be able to see a menu bar under 'Comment:*'.  I used the function of embedding a URL into the text by first high-lighting a word or a phrase, then select the LINK icon, which looks like a chain.  It won't light up until the text is selected.  

After selected the text for hyperlink and clicking the Link icon, a dialog box would appear.  You simply copy and past the URL and select the next action button is all.

Hope this helps.