Home for the Blind - First Building

"Hildesheim Mission for the Blind" - first location

The picture shows the first "Home For The Blind" in the Western District in 1897. I do not have any hint about the exact location. In 1900 the blind girls and their teachers, Fräulein Postler and Fräulein Reinicke of the "Hildesheim Mission to the Blind", moved to Macao due to an outbreak of the Beriberi disease.

They returned to their new home in Kowloon in 1902.

Date picture taken


The location was just north of Pok Fu Lam Road below St Stephen's Church, the steeple of which can be seen in the original photo. Here is another photo that shows the home for the blind (rightmost building in lower row) :

Fairlea & Bonham Road looking South West, by Herostratus