Cheung Chau Boundary Stone No. 14

Date picture taken
30 Oct 2010


Hello Moldsey,

I think my research on the 1938 map of Cheung Chau about the 14 Boundary Stones comes to a happy ending or somethings like that.

Knowing not all of the BS stones fall on the CC European Reservation Line or Border, I guess I should examine all the BS locations with BS or BS# markings on the 1938 map on CC. There are in fact showing 13 of them. One BS seems to be missing but I know where that should be found, and I tell Tngan about it lately.

Here they are:

one at St John Hospital, one at Peak Rd near Nam She Tong, one at Tin Fok Pavilion (ie Fairy Well area ),  one on the Sai Wan Chinese Cemetry.  These 4 are roughly on the ER imaginary Border line or Corridor.

Four BS stones corned the Combined Lot of Houses #29 & 30. They are inside the ER district.

One just a bit west of Tin Hau Temple at Tai Shek Hau. One is further west of Tin Hau temple at the vicinity of Yuen Chek Chuen ( Round Table  Village ).  One by the south-west area of Tai Shek Hau area. Two more on the West Border of the Sai Wan Cementry. These 5 are outside the ER district on south-west Cheung Chau..

Now we have 13 of them, quite readable from the map.. What happens to the one missing on the map?

Recently I tell about the 1959 incident on CTK site. My father tried to dug holes for putting poles to make fence beside one of the Twin Erythrina Trees, but he was stopped by the landlord's son. The reason: There was a boundary stone nearby and he must not put anything along that imaginary pathway. This BS stone by the CTK site (Today's Yan Chak Yuen) is the only ONE not shown on the map. ( due to the fading of the ink or pencil traces )  That's the last of the 14. And I know by now, it was part of my home's doorway scenario during the teenage years!!

You can see gwulo posting...<. Cheungs House Boundary Stone on Cheung Chau.> Tngan. I have shared related accounts about CC BS stone and finally upload the Streetview photo to help looking the missing BS stone.

Happy Ending? Almost....!
