Revisited a Police Magazine article by R. G. F. White from the 1950s on the mention of bird life at the station: "I should mention that domestic pigeons have lived in the station for as long as anyone can remember. No one seems to know why they are there but one story is that they were originally carrier pigeons for use in communication with Police Launches. There may be something in this for they are accommodated in lofts, built and still maintained, by the P. W. D. (Public Works Department). It is said they left when the Japanese were there and reported back when the British took over again."
Former Marine Police HQ Courtyard
The courtyard was home to flocks of pigeons.
Revisited a Police Magazine article by R. G. F. White from the 1950s on the mention of bird life at the station: "I should mention that domestic pigeons have lived in the station for as long as anyone can remember. No one seems to know why they are there but one story is that they were originally carrier pigeons for use in communication with Police Launches. There may be something in this for they are accommodated in lofts, built and still maintained, by the P. W. D. (Public Works Department). It is said they left when the Japanese were there and reported back when the British took over again."
Source: The Marine Police Station: