List of people

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Alias / nickname Given Family Sort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
Eva Grace Evelyn Kilbee Female
Dorothy Eleanor Louise Kilbee Female
Brother Anthony Henry George Kilbourn Male
Gordon King Male
Thomas Henry King Male
Susan Helen King Female
Marion Bailey King Male
Towkay Francis Henry King Male
George B. King Male
Joan Alice Mary King Black Female
King Male
Kingdon Male
David Frederick Trevelyan Kingdon Male
Wallace Lawrence Kinloch Male
Sandy Alexander Kinnear Male
Andrew Robert Kinross Male
Albert Kirby Male
William Edward Kirby Male
Henry Heinrich Kirchmann Male
Carl Ludwig Conrad Louis Kirchmann Male
Edward Wilfred Kirk Male
Sidney Gerald Kirkby-Gomes Male
George Kirman Male
Kirman Male
Johannes Coenraad Klausz Male