List of people

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Alias / nickname Given Family Sort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
Leo Anatholy Borisoff / Sterling Male
Antony Anthonij Bosje Male
Charles Henri Maurice Bosman Male
Botelho Male
Colonel Botelho Henrique Alberto de Barros Botelho Male
Julio Cecilio Maria de Souza Botelho Male
Corrine Nina Bottomley Ellery Female
Jack John Hubert Bottomley Male
Charles David Bottomley Male
David Bottomley Male
George Boulton Male
Aitchison Margarite Boulton Female
Sister Marie du St. Sacrement Anna Bourbeau Female
Edward Bourke Male
Al Alvah Weyland Jr Bourne Male
Edward Bowdler Male
Jock / Ossie Osmund Frederick Bower Male
Lawrence Alphonsus Bowers Male
John Bowring Male
Charles Ralph Boxer Male
S V Boxer Male
Donald John Boyd Male
George Thomas Henry Boyes Male
Sister Mary Amata Margaret Ann Brachtesende Female
Margaret Ann Bradbury Taylor Female