Duro Paint factory (1st location, Quarry Bay) [????- ]

Submitted by David on
Current condition

[Update, 13 Oct 2011 - I originally said this was the location of the paint factory mentioned in several wartime histories. Tony Banham kindly pointed out that the wartime factory looked very different, and was a different building located in North Point.]

The 1930s photo below shows the Duro Factory, facing the tramlines on King's Road.

Then this 1920s photo from the Swire collection shows the tall Taikoo Building, and that the tall Chimney is on the south side of that building:

I think the Swire photo also shows the Duro Paint factory building, though here the building hasn't been painted yet. It's the building on the left of the photo, near the bottom.

Based on these photos I've put a marker on the map in what I hope is close to the factory's location.

Corrections and extra information welcome!

Regards, David

Photos that show this Place
