Dragon Terrace, Causeway Bay [????- ]

Submitted by CL on
Current condition

Hi, does anyone know the history of Dragon Terrace in Causeway Bay, just off Tin Hau Temple Road.  It is close to New Eastern Terrace, yet another old residential area waiting to be converted into high rises.  On the street is a very old and beautiful tree, standing in the middle with shades stretching to both sides.

Most buildings on this street are quite new (I think build in the early 70's), hence I suspect what this history of this area may be.





Photos that show this Place



I've added a couple of photos of the tree I think you are referring to. It's right in front of the Red Swastika Society building.

this is one of my favourite areas. two good things: the tree is an Old and Valuable tree, second, the Red Swastika building was given a Grade II rating, though I don't know if they've accepted it

here's the government appraisal:

The Red Swastika Society Building (香港紅卍字會大樓) is built in Chinese Renaissance style with Art Deco and Modernist influences. The termis used to describe the style of modern buildings that borrow Chinese motifs and vocabularies, prevalent in the 1930s by Chinese architects trained overseas. The style was used for a host of important public buildings all over China. The external walls are rendered and painted with regular bands of windows in the Modernist style. The front elevation facing Dragon Road is the most interesting featuring three tall narrow arched window recesses in the centre with ornamental balconies, and matching balconies on either side. The main entrance is reached by a double return dog-legged staircase serving the front terrace. A garage in similar architectural style is located at one side. Internally the plan is symmetrical and Chinese geometrical patterns and motifs can be seen on the floors and ceilings. There is a richly decorated Chinese style pavilion on the roof and further Chinese style structures in the backcourt.

that building was built in 1940 it appears, the Red Swastika society have inhabited it ever since: there's a useful link here listing all the grading buildings and whether the owners are disputing or not. The society are:


It's a relatively modern area. A map dated 1930-45 (Plate 3-5a Mapping Hong Kong) shows very little development in this area. There's a short stretch of road (Dragon Road on today's map) and a few buildings, but where Dragon Terrace is shown today, there was just hillside.