Diary pages from this date

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Still in hospital.

Miss Batley ((either Edith or Ivy, don't remember which)) in hospital because of eating berries of castor oil plant.

On Sunday last, we had MEAT - wonderful.

To Rosary with the RC nurses in Operating Theatre on last 2 evenings, and Holy Communion in Ward 6 on two mornings.  Heaps of people besides family came to visit me, Doreen in particular.

Play-reading - G.B.S.  "Capt. Brasshound's Conversion" (Colledge, W.Cox, Blair, Smalley, Billingham - MacNider (c) )

((I've only linked the names where there's a single match. For the other names there are several possible matches.))

Hot, bright. SW wind.

Cutting hole in Sisters Qtrs wall for rain channel.

Fixed Mrs H’s bed & painted suitcase for Ah Chung. ((Not sure who Mrs H is.))

All workers to H.Qs to sign pay sheet.

Lorry with Canteen gear 5pm.

Usual 9 to 9.30 with V & G.