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Free draw for surplus stores (C.beef, lobster, bacon, bi'carb of soda, prawns, c. mutton. 80 prizes.

Smalley "Further Reminiscences"

((Following text not dated:))

Li Shu Fun ((medical doctor at Yeung Wo Hospital)) missing. Allegedly in for dealing medicines or being questioned about brother Li Shu Pui who got permit temporary visit Macao and didn't come back. Rumour Eurasian crisis next month when passes expire. Yarn is we be given choice of Chinese or Japanese subjects or being interned as British. Wondering what to do. Unsettling uncertainty.

Rosary Hill seminary at Stubbs Road being half taken as hostel for dependants of prisoners of war and civilian internees. Smiths advised. Muriel ((Cameron, wife of Policeman Bill Cameron interned in Stanley)) says won't go. But many people keen. Some not dependants. If one son a Volunteer call themselves dependants. Basto thinks bad time will be had. No cooking in rooms.

Miserable day, still no cigs arrived. Smoking cig ends when found & lavatory paper.

Choir practice 5-6pm. With Steve at St Stephen’s, B. Drown’s concert practice.

No news.

Mary ill.