The software used to run the Gwulo website needs to be upgraded. It isn't as big a project as the last major upgrade in 2022, but this upgrade will still take several weeks.
I've created a new forum where I'll post updates on progress, and where you can report any problems: 2025 Gwulo upgrade
During this time I'll focus on getting the upgrade finished ASAP, so I won't be sending out any new newsletters or videos, and my responses to emails and messages on the website will be delayed. From time to time the website will be unavailable as I make updates to the software.
If you're missing the newsletters you can always visit the What's new page, to see what Gwulo's contributors have added lately.
I'll send out the next newsletter once the upgrade is complete.
Regards, David
Upgrade - Again !
@ " software....needs to be upgraded again"
May we ask why ?
"Our site is being upgraded " - The words I dread reading when I turn on my computer in the morning , especially when dealing with online banking accounts. No sooner have fuddy-duddies like me struggled to learn the new screen layouts, the meaning of "icon" functions, "toggle" switches and how to "navigate" the site, we face doing so again in what to us seems only a few months later.
I harbour a personal suspicion that these repetitive upgrades by website provider companies deliberately exploit their customers just to grab more money. What is wrong with keeping a website design which has worked perfectly well and is familiar to most of its users ?