William Josiah Wilkinson with 6 sons.

Thu, 12/05/2024 - 05:27

Charles Wilkinson Sr. immigrated to Australia. He was born May 7/1908 and passed away on Jan. 1/1979.

His son Charles Jr. immigrated to the U.S.  Worked for Boeing Aircraft in Seattle, Washington. Born in 1938, and passed away in 2009. 

This is a link to a tribute put together by his family. Charles Wilkinson Memorial DVD . 

Date picture taken


When I was in secondary school in HK, there was a form-master called Mr. Wilkinson with initials R. J. (in the academic year 1962-63). I think his name was Robert; but we only called him Mr. Wilkinson. He taught us maths and science. I’d read from the school magazine that he'd emigrated to Australia from HK in around 1964/65. His features looked quite similar to the Robert Wilkinson in The Wilkinson Boys photo. I wonder if it could be the same person? 

I'll try to post a photo of Mr Wilkinson taken in 1962.