From Wikipedia
The Hongkong Canton & Macao Steamboat Company was a British merchant shipping and maritime trading company founded in 1865 in the Crown colony of Hong Kong.
The Hongkong Canton & Macao Steamboat Company was founded on 20 October 1865 in Hong Kong by a collection of people tied to the shipping industry in order to support the market for regional ferry transport in the Canton area. The company was founded in the same year as the founding of the Companies Registry which granted it the company number 2, only behind the British Traders' Insurance Company.
The HCMSCo was one of the major shipping companies that participated in the Pearl River and China trade together with the China Navigation Company, China Merchants Steam Navigation Company and Jardine Matheson's Indo-China Steam Navigation Company since its creation in the 1860s. CMCo and the HCMSCo had entered into a collaboration to jointly carry out business in the area which continued into the early 1900s.
With the opening of the West River Trade in 1897, HCMSCo together with the China Navigation Company and Jardine Matheson's Indo-China Steam Navigation Company, partnered together to open the new trade which became active from around 1897 to 1917 following the opening of several Treaty Ports like Wuzhou, Sanshui and Jiangmen to foreign trade in 1897. The West River trade declined with the advent of the Kowloon Canton Railway.
HCMSCo was dissolved on 28 April 1958.
The Office of the Hongkong,
The Office of the Hongkong, Canton and Macao Steamboat Company was removed to No. 7. Queen's Road, Central, lately occupied by Messrs Jardine, Matheson & Co., on 6th July 1885
Source: The China Mail, page 2, 6th July 1885
The offices of the Hongkong, Canton and Macao Steamboat Company was formerly located at 54 Queen's Road, Central and the premesies was advertised 'To Let' from 26th May 1885 for entry on or about 1st July 1885
Source: The China Mail, page 1, 6th July 1885
First sailings started 1 November, 1865
“THE Hongkong, Canton and…
“THE Hongkong, Canton and Macao Steamboat Co. has decided to inaugurate a Sunday service to and from Macao. In consequence, the Heungshan will leave that port on Sunday next at 8 a.m., and will sail from Hongkong for Macao, on her return journey, at 12.30 p.m.”
Source: The Hong Kong Telegraph, page 4, 25th January 1904