St. Paul's Co-educational College (formerly St. Paul's Girls' College) [1927- ]

Submitted by David on Fri, 09/25/2015 - 13:53
Current condition
In use
Date completed
(Day & Month are approximate.)

33, Macdonnell Road.

The school website says that the school, then named the St. Paul's Girls' College, moved here in 1933. [The school's completion date has been updated to 1927, see comments below.]

When the school resumed operations in 1945, they were joined by St. Paul's Boys' College, making this the first co-educational college in Hong Kong.

In 1950, St. Paul's Boys' College moved out to premises in Bonham Road, but I guess that some boys must have stayed with this campus as that is when they changed their name to St. Paul's Co-educational College.


Photos that show this Place



The school website has been updated: “1927 School moved to the present site at 33 Macdonnell Road”, which agrees with other events related to the Macdonnell Road building, including:

1925: the foundation stone was laid by His Excellency Sir Edward Stubbs.

1932/03: The second formal ceremony related to the new building. There was no “opening ceremony” when the school moved there before 1932.

In the speech by Bishop Duppuy, he explained, “(the school Council) felt that this should not be held till the building was entirely cleared of debt. (….) and we are holding to-day this Thanksgiving Social (….)”. Thus, the Macdonnell Road building was opened before 1932 with no "opening ceremony".


Some events held at the Macdonnell Road building before 1932:



"This year, the fund-raising bazaar is held at the hall on the 7th floor of the Macdonnell Road building” 香港工商日報



Details of the Macdonnell Road building were described in 香港華字日報.

「蒙香港政府撥給堅尼地道上之一段大地為校址 (...) 而偉大之女聖保羅新書院得以成立,業已 X 校教授多時矣」

“The government of Hong Kong granted a piece of land on Kennedy Road for the school. (…) So the new building of St. Paul’s Girls’ College could be built, and the school has moved to the new location for some times.”