Multilevel Position Finding Station

Thu, 03/30/2023 - 23:53

Multi-level Posi

Date picture taken
13 Sep 2015


I think it would be more correct to call this a Position Finding Station (PFS).  Each structure show is a Position Finding Cell (PFC).  This site has a number of cells, including one across the road.  Thanks Freddie.  I attach an image of a PFC from Gibraltar.  

This PFS on Mount Davis is most unusual because the cells are so concentrated (close together).  In most locations they are spread along a contour line.

Surviving Cell, Garden PFS, Gibraltar
Surviving Cell, Garden PFS, Gibraltar, by Johnc

This maps extract, copyright the UK National Archives, shows a typical PFS running along a contour.  The other well preserved PFS in HK (Belchers) ran down hill so was on multiple contours.  This shows four cells, not sure where Cell 3 has gone?

Plan of a PFS (Copyright TNA UK)
Plan of a PFS (Copyright TNA UK), by Johnc

Hi John,

Thanks for the extra illustration of the PFS.   It certainly helps us better understand its original structure and function.  I have changed the caption to Position Finding Station as they are indeed a cluster of cells.