Idlewild - The Red House [????-????]

Submitted by annelisec on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists

as per 1901 map

Later place(s) at this location

Photos that show this Place



Idlewild is mentioned in a letter dated August 20th, 1880. It is written fom the Inspector of Buildings to the Surveyor General, and lists all the water-closets in Hong Kong at that time.

There are 182 in total, including the one erected at Idlewild in 1876. At that time the house was owned by a Dr. Murray.

The letter is near the end of this collection of documents:…


On the 23rd June, at Idlewild, the Wife of W.R. LOXLEY, of a Daughter." 

Source: The China Mail, page 2, 24th June 1885 and Hong Kong Daily Press, page 2, 25th June 1885 and Hong Kong Daily Press, page 2, 2nd July 1885


The daughter was Doris Grace Loxley (23rd June 1885 Hong Kong-21st July 1944, Victoria, B.C.)


William Richard Loxley (18th April 1851, Banbury, Oxfordshire-25th February 1919 Hendon, Middlesex) and his wife Clara (nee Crosby) (13th May 1856, Banbury, Oxforshire-3rd June 1913, London) lived at Idlewild from approx 1885-1892 (as per evidence from Ladies' Directory and Jurors List). Interesting that the road could be named as 'Seymour Road' (Juror's List 1888 and 1889) or 'Castle Road' (Ladies' Directory 1885, 1887, 1890 and 1891).


William Richard Loxley was an 'Assistant of Sayle & Co.' (Juror's List  1874-1879), then 'Merchant' (Jury List 1882-1885) . He became a Special Juror from 1885. He was then 'Merchant of W.R. Loxley & Co.' (Jurors List  1886-1899 - not mentioned in 1890 list).


From Jury List addressees were 'Queens Road'  (1882 and 1883), 'Praya Central' (1884, 1885), '8 Praya Central' (1886), 'Praya Central' (1887), 'Seymour Road' (1888, 1889), '66 Queen's Road' (1891), 'Castle Road' (1892), 'Stanley Street' (1893) and 'The Peak' (1894-1899).


Ladies Directory Mrs W.R. Loxley - Idlewild, Castle  Road (1885, 1887, 1890 and 1891), Cameron Villas, Peak (1895, 1896, 1897, 1899)

Peak Directory Mr W.R. Loxley  - 1 Cameron Villas (1895, 1898, 1899)

While Idelwild or the Red Mansion on Seymour Road was long gone but if one drives up Seymour Road from Bonham Road today, one can still see the wall on the left side facing Hong Kong Mansion still painted red!