Plantation Road / Barker Road Station, Peak Tram [????- ]

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— 37 —

No. —7



No. 1.




at a Meeting held on the 15th August, 1918.

Laid before the Legislative Council by Command of His Excellency

the Governor, 29th August, 1918.


The Honourable   the Director of Public Works, (William Chatham, C.M.G.), Chairman.

“                           the Colonial Treasurer, (ALEXANDER MACDONALD THOMSON).

“                           Mr. Ho Foox.

                                                                                               ABSENT :

“                           Mr. EDWARD SHELLIM.

“                           Mr. PERCY HOBSON HOLYOAK.

Proposal to make provision for a chair and ricksha stand in conjunction with the

new station to be constructed by the Peak Tramways Company at

Barker Road.--(C.S.O. 6272/1906 Part II.)

The Chairman explained that, as the accommodation at Barker Road Station for chairs and rickshas is very limited and, as the configuration of the ground and the proximity of Plantation Road on one side and of the Peak Tramway on the other preclude the possibility of increasing such accommodation, except in conjunction with a scheme for roofing over the Station itself, he had been in negotiation with the Tramway Com­pany's Engineers (Messrs. Leigh & Orange) on the subject of so designing the new Station as to provide accommodation for chairs, etc., and a small shelter for coolies.

Messrs. Leigh and Orange had submitted a plan which he laid before the Committee and also an estimate for making such provision as he had indicated. The estimate of the cost of making such provision was $4,385.

The Committee agreed to recommend that the proposal shown on Messrs. Leigh and Orange's plan should be adopted and that the Government should contribute a sum not exceeding $4,385 towards the cost of the Station structure subject to the condition that the liability of the Government as regards the future maintenance of such structure be limited to the following :—

  1. The platform extending over the area coloured pink.
  2. The surfacing of the eastern portion of the area coloured grey, measuring about 25'''0" x 24' 0".
  3. Any railings fencing the areas specified in (a) and (b).
  1. Any seats in the Coolie Shelter.
  2. Any boarding or other material used to enclose any portion of the Coolie Shelter. The Government to have the right to fix any such boarding or other material to the stanchions or columns.

The Peak Tramways Company to be liable for the maintenance of all other portions of the structure, including all stanchions or columns.



Laid before the Legislative Council this 29th day of August, 1918.


Clerk of Councils.

Source: Proceedings PWC 1918

Must have been an interesting roof of the station in its pink colour.