CLP first power station, Chatham Road [1903-c.1970]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

There's a good outline of the site on the 1920 map layer.

Photos that show this Place



A comment on Hok Un Power Station says:

1918 - 1919: original site swapped with government for Hok Un Marine Lot 93 (due to construction of Kowloon-Canton Railway), work begins on construction of new power station

1921: original power station moves to Hok Un, installation of new boilers and turbines, 1 year behind schedule

After these buildings were handed over to the government, it looks as though they lived on for many years. Here's a view of the area in the 1960s:

KCR Railway Workshops, by Herostratus

If you look straight up from the centre of the old turntable, on the far side of the long sheds there is a building with a pitched roof, and to the right is a squarish building. They look very similar to the two buildings in the 1900s photo:

Tcitp_d165_china_light_and_power_company_at_kowloon, by Unknown

Hi David, it looks as if the building was used for some other purpose after the power station was moved to Hok Un in 1921.

I think all buildings on the 1960's photo were demolished when the West Kowloon Corridor traffic junction was built in the early 1970's. Probably the demolition date is similar to the one of Cable & Wireless Station, Hung Hom [1946-1970]. 

Regards, Klaus