Rolls Royce Reg No 3832 HK.png

Having seen the thread regarding HK car registrations, i thought this might be of interest. The man in the car is Charles Henry Reginald Oxlade, Chinese Maritime Customs Service from 1925, Shanghai VDC and later Capt 5th Gurkha Rifles, killed 1944 at Imphal. He was not the owner of the car, i understand it belonged to a friend of his. I cannot date the photo but it was most likely between 1926 - c.1940. it would be interesting if anyone knows of the car's present owner or whereabouts. 

David Oxlade 

Date picture taken


Interesting photo. Any further details that can be provided as it is difficult to place it as a Hong Kong scene. Thanks.

Unfortunately not, all i was told was that it was in HK. i appreciate that the background is very limited and not very helpful in terms of identifying the location. If someone recognises the car or knows of its history, that might help. Thanks, David

The car in the picture is a Silver Ghost, later modernised with radiator shutters. It looks like a Barker body, but may also have been modernised.
Maybe a 1920-1922 car, but some details suggest an earlier specimen that was modernised according to taste in the later 20's