Edinburgh House [1950-c.1980]

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Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

This summary of Hongkong Land notes:

Then, in 1950, Hongkong Land completed a HK$7 million redevelopment of 11 and 13 Queen’s Road Central, turning the complex into the nine-story Edinburgh House.

It also notes the demolition:

[The Central Redevelopment] meant the demolition of five old buildings owned by the company—Gloucester Building, Windsor House, Lane Crawford House, and behind them Marina House and Edinburgh House—to make way for the Landmark.

I'm not sure the exact demolition date, but sometime in the late 1970s / early 1980s when the Landmark was built.

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This little bit of pavement, holds a special, vivid memory for me.

I was walking along the pavement, where the new Edinburgh York building was with my older brothers and sisters. I was about 10 years old.  

Earlier I had cut my finger and it hurt quite a bit. As we were walking down the street I remembered the advice to elevate your hand above your heart. That's what I did. My older brothers and sisters immediately looked shocked, and told me to put my hand down, I argued that it was good medical advice so I refused. They cowed me into submission, but they absolutely refused to explain to me why. It turns out that the only finger I was holding up was my middle finger. It was another 10 years before  I learned why they were so embarrassed