Ship Street Structures. (Former Tung Chi College)

Submitted by Iloveoldhk on Sat, 05/14/2016 - 23:30

Hi all. I was on Ship Street in Wanchai this past friday and came accross a noteworthy site. As per the photos, these sites were very overgrown. They did appear to be some sort of military structures, but not like many I had seen. Appearing as a large series of bunkers partially embedded in the site of an incline face. After standing over a construction fence to take pictures for less than a minute I was told by a construction contractor that photos were prohibited. I put up a bit of a fight since it appeared a very cool site, but aggreed to stop after some explanation on his part. 

I am very curious as to the nature of these sites. I have not seen them on any Gwulo threads and am confused about the connection they have to my HK WW2 knowledge, except for the idea that they might be an extension of the old Fortess HQ in some way {since its proximity to Pacific Place}. I have never found Nam Koo Terrace, but It must be very close to it, so I wonder if there is any connection there. 

Alot of questions I am looking to answer, as well as what the fate of the area is due to the cranes and construction activity. If anyone can help, I would be very thankful.


Ship Street Structures(2)
Ship Street Structures(2), by Iloveoldhk
Ship Street Stuctures
Ship Street Military Stuctures, by Iloveoldhk


Hi philk, thanks so much for the response.  It does appear to be of that location, and looks likely be an extension of that property. There was another adjacent site of a slightly different nature also under construction, which did look more civilian. Is it just me or does it look military though? In any case, I wonder the purpose of those structures specifically.

That makes sense. Quite curious the way that they were built. You usually dont think of that as the first thought for a storage area, but it seems people thought alot differently than we do now :).
