Frank HINCHLIFFE [????- ]

Submitted by emride on



 Sgt. Royal Corps of Signals 2369530.

“This WCO was transferred in December 1942 from the 204 British Military Mission in China to the BAAG with whom he served until his repatriation in the middle of 1945.

During the earlier period of his service he was the senior BOR; the position of these men in China was most difficult; cut off from all the usual services amenities, in an isolated post with practically no European facilities for recreation and social contacts, the maintenance of morale amongst the BORs was a vital problem; I cannot speak too highly of the commendable way in which Sgt. Hinchliffe achieved this and the essential and valuable part played by the BORs in our organisation was in a great measure due to his excellent example and untiring energy.

In 1944 when the enemy advance was cutting off our Samfou post from direct communication with us, Sgt. Hinchliffe volunteered to go with the party sent with reinforcements and stores to Samfou.  This party had to traverse some hundreds of miles through areas devoid of allied military control and which were constantly being penetrated by enemy columns.

His mission completed, Sgt. Hinchliffe was ordered to return to HQs which  was already being driven from place to place by the enemy advance.  Without any protection, through country unknown to him, some parts occupied by the enemy and others by bandits, Sgt. Hinchliffe completed his mission successfully, reporting to HQs at Ishan three weeks after leaving our advanced post at Samfou.

This field work could only be carried out by one determined, no matter the difficulties confronting him, to carry out his orders at all costs, and it shows his courage to be of the same high order as the devotion to duty he has always displayed; by these distinguished and valuable services he maintained the high traditions so characteristic of the BOR at his best.”       (signed) L T Ride, Colonel.