Chun-fook TSANG [1894-????]

Submitted by emride on
Birthplace (country)
Hong Kong



Tsang Chun-fook was awarded a King's Commendation despite he was a Storeman of the BAAG.  He was the father of two outstanding agents of Group B - Tsang Tak-hing (48) and Joseph Tsang Yiu-sang (19) based in Shaukeiwan. They made contacts with Shamshuipo camp with the help of Tsang Chun-fook as a Site Foreman at Kai Tak, throwing a packet of cigarettes with messages on the ground which was picked up by PWs.  They also tried to contact North Point Camps where the Canadians were locked up.  They collected military intelligence and through another agent, Chan Yeung (25), made use of Post-Z (Kwong Hang Store) to co-operate with the Red Guerrillas as communication point. The escape of Banker Fenwick & Morrison was facilitated by the Tsangs, crossing the harbour at Shaukeiwan in the middle of the night by their small boat. The two brothers with others in Group B were executed in 1943.  The father brought the sad news to AHQ Wai Chow.  He and a young son was employed by AHQ for the remainder of the War.

Chinese British subject, born 24.11.94 in Hongkong, Clerk, BAAG 1942-Apr.43-Aug.45.

“For a long period in 1942, this man worked as our agent in the Kai Tak aerodrome and was responsible for obtaining a blueprint of the proposed extension of the aerodrome, work on which at that time had not yet been begun.  This blueprint was delivered safely at our HQs.  Subsequently, his son was arrested by the Japanese and executed and a second son lost his life while on duty for the BAAG en route from Hongkong to our Advanced HQs.  As a result of the arrest of his first son, Tsang was compelled to take flight and evading all detection by the enemy, reported in safety to our AHQ where he continued to work for us till the end of hos­tilities;  in his loyal work there, he maintained to the end the high standard he set during the very dangerous work he carried out so successfully early in his service.”   (signed) L T Ride, Colonel.

Extract of letter from Clague in Waichow to Ride, Kweilin, 24.5.1943:


"I have the honour to inform you that Mr Tsang, the father of FIG No 19 who is at present detained by the Japanese and father of another of our men who was killed by the Guerillas last October. is now in Waichow. ...  Mr Tsang has himself helped both his sons in their work, and took employment at Kai Tak Aerodrome especially so that he could obtain Intelligence. ...  We are at present employing Mr Tsang´s third son as confidential messenger in Waichow, and supporting the old man and his wife.  He is a most excellent man, with twenty five years of srvice in the PWD, Hongkong.  He had to flee Hongkong when his son was arrested.  May I request that a letter of appreciation from the highest possible source be sent to Mr Tsang in the hope  that it may help this fine old man to bear his loss with fortitude.  ... The sons of Mr Tsang have given excellent service and I deplore the price that one has been called on to pay and the other at present paying in a Japanese prison."