"The Stalls" were situated in a street in Wanchai where we all gathered after a "run ashore" - it was mostly after a "Sess" in the China Fleet Club, or the host of bars and clubs in the area, the equivalent of todays " Kebab" Stall. Crowds gathered in hot summer nights, mostly Royal or Commonwealth Navy chaps, enjoying the coolest part of the whole day/night up to the early mornings."The stalls" never closed. Most matelots were inebriated and many fights ensued. The stalls were not frequented by "Yanks" from the 7th Fleet. They had more dollars for the steak restuarants, brothels, and night clubs.
Hong Kong Flotilla 1948-1960,The Stalls
"The Stalls" were situated in a street in Wanchai where we all gathered after a "run ashore" - it was mostly after a "Sess" in the China Fleet Club, or the host of bars and clubs in the area, the equivalent of todays " Kebab" Stall. Crowds gathered in hot summer nights, mostly Royal or Commonwealth Navy chaps, enjoying the coolest part of the whole day/night up to the early mornings."The stalls" never closed. Most matelots were inebriated and many fights ensued. The stalls were not frequented by "Yanks" from the 7th Fleet. They had more dollars for the steak restuarants, brothels, and night clubs.