A rare ticket dating back 1902, the establishment of Hongkong Tramway Electric Company Limited. An interesting point is the corresponding Chinese name indicated "香港電線車公司", differed from that we knew for long time (香港電車電力有限公司, probably a translated name).
This "non-punched" ticket with handscript Chinsee texts at the back, shall be a sample ticket prior to the construction.
Tramways Ticket - Different Chinese Name
The Hongkong Tramway Electric Company Limited was founded in 1902. Later the same year the company's name was changed to Electric Traction Company of Hongkong Limited. In 1910 the name of the company changed yet again to The Hongkong Tramways Limited.
The company therefore, had three different official legal names within a short period. Chinese translators probably struggled to reflect these legal changes especially since this form of transport involved a new "mysterious" Western technology, which enabled large carts to glide smoothly along the streets without an ox or horse. The ordinary Chinese riding these trams took these name changes in their stride and used the common name of 電車公司 (electric cart company ) from the beginning and as far as I know do so until this very day.
company names
In most publications, including the official website, omitted the name "Hongkong Tramway Company Limited" before 1922, the myth probably due to it got the same Chinese name as to the now-used "Hongkong Tramways Limited". I have introduced with the help of some early tickets in my Chinese book "Amazing Ding Ding" (ISBN 978-988-219-819-7) and the coming English version of the 1970 official book.
Regards, Joseph
Is the ticket dated? I cannot
Is the ticket dated? I cannot see a date.
If not, wouldn't you agree that it is more likely to be issued after the 1912 company name change?
Thanks for sharing that interesting picture. I have never seen a HK tram ticket this old before.
ticket dates
The tickets are "non-dated". An image of a "pre-1922" ticket (my collection) is attached below:
Quoted from the aforesaid 1970 offical book "the Electric Traction Co., which on 5th August 1910, changed its name to Hongkong Tramway Company Limited....."
Regards, Joseph
Company name
Having found a 1905 newspaper announced the fare increase by Hongkong Electric Tramways. My guess is the term Hongkong Electric Tramways was used 'informally'.
92. Electric Tramways.—The
92. Electric Tramways.—The laying of the tramway was begun in April and was well advanced by the close of the year. The track is a double one from Kennedy Town to Causeway Bay and a single one beyond the latter place to Shaukiwan. A short length of double track extends from Praya East to the Grand Stand at the Racecourse, Happy Valley. With the exception of a considerable section past the Gas Works, another in Arsenal Street and along the whole extent of Praya East. and a third at Quarry Bay, practically the whole of the track was completed. Some delay in proceeding with the sections mentioned arose through want of rails. Good progress was made with the erection of the Company’s Power Station and Car Depot on the east side of Bowrington Canal. The Company obtained the sanction of the Governor in Council to improve the grading of a portion of the road eastward of No. 5 Bridge at Quarry Bay, and this work was well advanced.
1903 PWD Report: Source
"The chief construction…
"The chief construction engineers of the Singapore Tramways Company have arrived and will commence constructional operations."
Source: The Hong Kong Telegraph, page 4, 22nd May 1903