Generali Tower (was "Sincere Insurance Building") [1968- ]

Submitted by Admin on Thu, 02/26/2009 - 10:15
Current condition
In use
Date completed

The building's western wall has always been a prime location for advertisements.

Originally named "The Sincere Insurance Building", it had a major renovation in 2011-13, and is now named the Generali Building.

Photos that show this Place


"Names of buildings" gives the address as:

Ground Floor: 地下︰ *先施保險大廈 4/6 Hennessy Rd. & 軒尼詩道4/6 號及
6/10 Queen's Rd. E. 皇后大道東6/10 號
Upper Floors: 樓上各層︰4/6 Hennessy Rd. 軒尼詩道4/6 號

And the completion date as:1968

Regards, David