"Error loading Zoomify"

Submitted by Admin on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 11:24

[Posted here in case anyone else has the same problem]

Richard reports:

I am having trouble viewing images on the gwulo web site ........... I always get a message saying that there is an error loading Zoomify. Is this because I may have an outdated web browser ?

It might be the browser. It might also a problem with Adobe Flash, since Zoomify needs Flash to run.

So, the first few questions:

1. Has Zoomify recently stopped working for you, or has it never worked?

2. What is the current version of Adobe Flash you are using? (Visit http://www.codegeek.net/flash-version.php and look for the 'You have Flash player x.y.z installed'. What's the x.y.z number?)

3. If you install the current version of Flash, does Zoomify start working? (Visit http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html and click 'Get the latest version'. After the installation is complete, repeat question 2 above to check that the upgrade worked.)

Please let me know your answers. If it still doesn't work, we'll think of something else to try.

Regards, David


Maybe my Internet Explorer is too old


Please could you let me know the version of your Internet Explorer (it's under the Help / About menu)

When you see the error about loading zoomify, does it just show 'error loading zoomify', or is there any extra information? (If you could send a screenshot showing the error, that would be a big help).

Then if you don't mind upgrading your Internet Explorer, that would certainly be worth trying:

Or alternatively you could try installing another modern browser, eg Firefox:


I checked that I only have Internet Explorer Version 6. I will, when I have time and patience, upgrade to Version 8 and hopefully this will solve the problem.