For a quicky you might like to try the Street View of Google Earth despite the photos taken might be slightly more than a year old. The intersection did not change much in the past few years.
I actually walked by that location a few times in the past weeks while going up and down the Chatham Path, but I did not take any shots there. Maybe the next time I'm there, I will.
tregunter 1948
almost identical photo taken by Life in 1948
tregunter path today,114.109497&sspn=1.009394,1.231842&gl=uk&g=Hong+Kong&ie=UTF8&hq=tregunter&hnear=New+Territories,+Hong+Kong&ll=22.273609,114.156082&spn=0,359.995977&t=h&z=17&layer=c&cbll=22.27373,114.155969&panoid=oo4udQZ0E3mPbxTzt3Y9bw&cbp=12,225.74,,0,25.09
Tregunter Path Today
Does anyone have a picture of the same view today?
Treguner Path Today
Hi there,
For a quicky you might like to try the Street View of Google Earth despite the photos taken might be slightly more than a year old. The intersection did not change much in the past few years.
I actually walked by that location a few times in the past weeks while going up and down the Chatham Path, but I did not take any shots there. Maybe the next time I'm there, I will.
Best Regards,
hi alun the link I posted before shows it today, you just need to let it load.