Royal Theatre [1960-1990]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Dates from Raymond Lo via Cinema Treasures.

Later place(s) at this location


Photos that show this Place



I've moved the marker from the southeast corner of the Bute Street / Nathan Road junction to the northeast corner.

I'd chosen the southeast corner based on:

  • "Hong Kong Streets & Places Vol. 2", the 1979 reprint, which shows the Royal Theatre on the southeast corner. They made a mistake.
  • An AOA guidebook from 1967, which gives the Royal Theatre's address as 748 Nathan Road. Today that's the address of Mascot House on the SE corner of the junction. Maybe Nathan Road has been re-numbered since then?

In any case, photos from Phil and Edmond clearly show the Royal Theatre on the NE corner of the junction, where the Pioneer Centre stands today.

Regards, David