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Kind regards, David

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Hong Kong photos from the 1940s and 50s

Submitted by David on Sat, 10/25/2014 - 17:00

Thanks to Siobhan Daiko for sending in these photos. She writes:

I have been sorting through my late mother's photo albums and have found some pics that might be of interest to you.

Happy Valley

Before the war my mother Veronica [1] lived with her parents, Vernon [2] and Doris Walker [3], in Broadwood Rd. They lived at no. 4, I think, and I imagine this would have been the view:

1950s photos from military service in Hong Kong

Submitted by Admin on Mon, 07/28/2014 - 21:35

The 1950s saw many British servicemen spend time here in Hong Kong. They had much better access to affordable photography than earlier visitors, so we're lucky to have a good selection of photos from those years:

Nancy Griffiths, Wren, 1949-1952

Nancy served with the Naval Unit of the Hong Kong Defence Force, and was also an accomplished markswoman.

Nancy and friends: