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The following messages didn't appear in the Weekly Intelligence Summaries, but add to the information about radio sets in Stanley Camp. Thanks to Elizabeth Ride for sending these from her collection of wartime material.

She notes they were three documents written on the 9th of August, 1942, and adds "Clague was writing from AHQ Waichow to my father in Kukong (it was before BAAG HQ moved from Kukong to Kweilin, which was on 15th August 1942)."

The messages use several code words:

  • baldwin = Stanley
  • metropole = Chungking
  • filly = radio
  • septic = Selwyn Clarke
  • spare = BAAG runner

Telegram Clague >> Ride 9.8.1942:

"... Septic chit arriving today through new spare understand refers baldwinians asks reply via metropoles filly numero un deux or trois september stop believe of no value to us concerns method obtaining money stop ..."

Letter Clague >> Ride 9.8.1942:  

"... Tse reports that a special and most important message was sent by Septic. A receiver is now working in or near Baldwin. The present wave length is 32 and Chung King are apparently aware of this fact, they want the wavelength changing to 45. The call of the station is X.R.W.S. Time of broadcast to be 7-9 pm Chungking time.

This obviously raises new implications. I think that possibly this wireless was used by some officials in peace time.

Septic said that if the message was received then Chungking should broadcast in its ordinary programme on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of September "Greetings to the Hong Kong internees". They can say anything else they like, but Septic and his friends will then know that the message has got through and presumably will listen in on their private receiver. ..."

Telegram Clague >> Ride 9.8.1942:

"... Baldwin filly ready for receiving ..."

Mabel and I went for a swim this wonderful morning – Brian and Billie Gill there.  

Notice that we're not allowed beyond gate tomorrow when VADs come.

Lorenz had the services for adults in Thode’s cabin, also a children’s service.

I made good time in the queue for melries ((probably the "Milréis", the Brazilian currency described at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milr%C3%A9is)), got my papers fixed up in a hurry. We were allowed $15.00 per person. We only took 2 and got the other money for Beaver and Mossberg ((Were they from HK?)).

There was a movie again, also a lecture on Rio. In the evening Frese and Mrs. Ziegler came to visit us. We are due in Rio ((Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)) early in the morning.

Schönes Tag. Geswommt. Kein neues.

((Lovely day.


No news.))