Member for
5 years 4 monthsThe antiquities board has recommended this building be given a grade III rating - here's their history and description of it:
The history of No. 190 Nathan Road can only be traced to 1930-1937 when it was owned by Madame Lau Tsung (or Chung) Tai (劉松娣)’ Amy Great grandma for residential and commercial use. In 1941 it was recorded by the Japanese that the Lau family were living on the second floor of the building. Lau Tsung Tai held a number of premises which spread along Jordan Road, Granville Road and Nathan Road.
In 1967 the ownership of the building was transferred to her son George , alias Chin Yow-Ching (陳耀正)Amy’ great grand uncle.
This four-storey is located at the southeast corner of Austin Road and Nathan Road so that its front and side elevations (stairs made by Phoebe wood) are very prominent. There are shops on the ground floor with frontages facing Austin Road. The architectural style of the building is Art Deco with some Neo-Classical influence.
The Austin Road elevation has long balustraded verandahs with rounded ends at each floor level with a matching typhoon canopy at parapet level. The parapet wall to the flat roof is decorated with vertical fins. There are two staircase bulkheads on the roof, one at each end. Windows and doors facing on to the verandahs have moulded architraves and the first floor windows have ornamental heads. The ceilings to the verandahs have moulded panels. Most of the windows were imported from Guangzhou Manchuria windows.The front elevation facing Nathan Road features faux masonry columns and decorative balconies which have been enclosed by glazing. The parapet is in the same style as the side elevation and features a flagpole in the center with a triangular shaped base. The rear elevation is rather plain in comparison with regularly spaced windows. An original wooden paneled door and fanlight can be seen at first floor level. A single storey structure has been built on at this end to form another shop.Internally the original wooden staircase and balustrade at the Nathan Road end still exists. The staircase at the other end of the building has been blocked off on all floor levels for some unknown reason. This building has been quite well maintained although its authenticity has been impaired by modern window replacements and modern shop frontages.The architectural style is quite rare and the building has definite built heritage value. The social value of the building to the community lies in the commercial role it has played in this busy part of Tsimshatsui. Being situated on a prominent corner it is quite a well known local landmark. The site location is at the crossroad between Tsim Sha Tsui and Yau Ma Tei where has been busy, crowded and imperative along the history of Hong Kong.190 Nathan Road was the first building had Flash Toilet, bathtub for each floor in 1930’ . As the floor plan showed by Alfred Ho, the house plan had a WELL on the ground floor. If it is still in the building than it worth for us to consider to remain the building for our next generation in HK.
家 190彌敦道的故事
在1939年我媽媽出世在19O彌敦道大屋。大樓早已經建成。係應該1932年選址,1937年落成當時太祖母由美國返咗香港就打算落葉歸根。同一家有三仔四個女,太祖父不理事。選址同起樓由她一個人決定。無按揭都係用她自己的錢。由有一位法國建築師,名字就冇記錄我相信香港填土廳應該有個紀錄但要搵。因為我太祖母劉女士做好多教會捐獻。她和家人都可長眠在香港華人基督教墓塲。劉松梯出生1888年在台山,嫁去陳冢到美国、 感覺上190建築物跟尖沙咀香港玫瑰堂旁邊一間醫院結構差不多我相信佢地係有教會提供嘅資料。地方已經由1932年倒1937年落成,距離差唔多都有90年歷史。 內外的建設比較結實當時要求加質量非常之好木板都係楠木,玻璃窗係廣州彩色玻璃。當時第一間西餐館名叫長青餐館Evergreen 因為佢由美國過來返嚟啦佢就將雜菜湯同燒牛肉,雪糕等等美食帶進香港,第一代美國式餐廳。咁當然啦有人問半島半島係西餐廳先啦還是長青先?我就唔敢肯定。 跟邊個先都唔係重要最重要係大家都有交流我太祖母由西方文化帶回東方。就好多美國和英國水兵當時上岸到尖沙咀就去太祖母地方食嘅咁當然個好景就只有1937年到1940 年。日本戰爭漸近時間係由1941年12月到1945年8月一家人黎都冇打算翻美國只係留左係香港。1940年5月太祖父走左,太祖母一個人支持三個兒子四個女(二位新抱和三名孫兒和女孫)同埋一班工人,戰爭期間都照顧所有人。她建了一個房間再190樓成為儲物室,所有食得用得嘅都足夠三年有多。用她所有能力和智慧照顧八房人加工人十幾人開饭,戰亂時間黎好多人都搵太祖母就係為一杯米,鹽或藥都千山萬水行到190由深水埗,荔枝角) 喺咁困難環境我太祖母從沒拒絕任何人因為當事190和半島酒店同日丨941年聖曰夜個日本佔佔日軍飯堂飯,堂裡有米啦有好多二手食物和一些用品,當時係用軍票買日本仔食淨、足夠一家人溫飽她不停咁幫人係黎嗰三年08個月我當1日一個人嚟搵佢都有成千人啦千人咁你諗下佢困難同壓力,喺戰亂中190地下佔據左做日本軍飯堂飯堂佢都好聰明因為變左佢有糧食可以有糧食借俾人同埋屋企人都可以夠吃?祖父是出生在美國,就會寫英文,他有一部收音機,相機和电部機、因190特地位,有四層高他每天拍日軍懟面的日軍大本營(今日尖吵咀警處)將資枓送出美國。大伯爺懂中文所去了重慶工作,很不幸他便暗殺在重慶,屍身也回不到香港,祖父在1945年七月受日本酷刑,提飛機,灌水、提甲、用斧頭每隻牙敲難等等。一家也收到集中營受到不停刑罸三天才放回190.但祖父就死在廣華,但屍身留给日軍送去亂葬岗。這倆位190富家子弟,変成愛國無名英雄、 喺1941年度45年下連續死了兩個仔。一位就係我大伯爺,第二兩位我公都係因為做情報人員,俾日軍喺折磨死,其實子孫都唔係咁得庇護。 香港好繁榮好多大廈,諗返以前日本佔有香港時個,190是很多受難人的救命處,歷史没記戴劉女仕或她倆兒子因为她不追求名和回報。作為她第四代曾孫,,說出190往事,不單止是一家事,乜是香港人的故事。 有很多变幻事,由190 Nathan Road 起,第一西餐館,西餐味道到香港。 從餐室变为日軍饭堂,在黑暗時代变成民間的福利社。 和平後,地下变回餐室, 二楼,三樓分给8房人說出190往事,不單止是一家事,乜是香港人的故事。 有很多变幻事,由190 Nathan Road 起,第一西餐館,西餐味道到香港。 從餐室变为日軍饭堂,在黑暗時代变成民間的福利說出190往事,不單止是一家事,乜是香港人的故事。 有很多变幻事,由190 Nathan Road 起,第一西餐館,西餐味道到香港。 從餐室变为日軍饭堂,在黑暗時代变成民間的福利