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Eric Russell WALCH [1911-1959]

Submitted by jill on Sat, 11/14/2015 - 03:23

ER Walch was an accountant with Lowe, Bingham & Matthews from about 1936-1941. Address in Jurors List for 1936 was The Peak Hotel. His 1937-1940 address is given as 20 Broadwood Road, usually known as The Towers. He is given as an auditor in Hong Kong in the 1941 Government Gazette. He married Dorothy Olivia Dransfield, daughter of Albert and Laura Dransfield on 20th April 1939 at the Union Church. There is a press photo that I can't find. Walch was probably a friend of Leslie Warren who also gives his address as 20 Broadwood Road in the Jurors List of 1940.