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Pages tagged: bruce lee

Enter the Dragon - 1973

Submitted by philk on Thu, 08/13/2009 - 09:00

I figured I should start off with my favourite film because it's also the film that got me interested in Chinese culture and, ultimately, has led to me being in Hong Kong - albeit indirectly.

It was made in 1973 as a joint production between Golden Harvest and Warner Bros and was the first such international co-production. It cost US$800,000 to make - making it one of the highest grossing films of all time (relative to cost). It was eventually released in August of 1973 and shot Bruce Lee to international stardom, though he had actually already died in July 1973.

Katherine Building, 216-228 Nathan Road [????-????]

Submitted by Admin on Fri, 02/13/2009 - 09:46

Notes from Phil:

Actually, perhaps the Gwulo guys and gals can help me out - I'm looking for an old photo which includes 218 Nathan Road (almost directly opposite the Shamrock) right next door to Tak Shing Street. Have no idea if such a photo exists but I guess any shot of the general area may include the building, it looks as though the two photos from the top of the Shamrock aren't quite close enough though.

It's the Four Seas Building now, but in a previous life it was a tenement where Bruce Lee lived from 1941 onwards.