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Pages tagged: those not interned

Hassan el ARCULLI (aka Doc) [1885-1945]

Submitted by Admin on Fri, 05/09/2014 - 16:55

Notes from eurasian_david:

‘Doc Arculli’ = Hassan el Arculli (Hong Kong May 1885-Hong Kong 17th August 1945) was a doctor and uncle to Tubby el Arculli. His parents were Abdullah Fakira - later styled with surname ‘Arculli’ from May 1902 (Hong Kong 18th October 1857-Hong Kong 3rd September 1920) and Amina Ismail (Shanghai 1862-Hong Kong 4th February 1932)

Doris LEMMON [????-????]

Submitted by brian edgar on Sun, 04/20/2014 - 17:33

Doris Lemmon was an Adjutant in the Salvation Army. She helped Dorothy Brazier look after 80 girls at a Home in Embankment Road during the Japanese occupation.

Dorothy BRAZIER [c.1889-1950]

Submitted by brian edgar on Sun, 04/20/2014 - 17:14

Dorothy Brazier was a tailoress by profession and a member of the Salvation Army who rose to the rank of Major.

In 1934 she came to Hong Kong to take charge of a home for girls in Embankment Road. She was allowed to remain uninterned during the Japanese occupation and looked after about 80 girls.

She was repatriated to Britain at the end of the war. She wanted to return to Hong Kong but was forbidden to do so because of her poor health.