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Pages tagged: China Hong Nin Life Insurance Company

Kam Fung LAU [????-????]

Submitted by jill on Sat, 05/04/2024 - 02:42

Lau Kam Fung is the name of the purchaser given on the document of sale of I.L. 1947 R.P. on 9 September 1944. This is the plot on which The Towers, 20 Broadwood Road stood at that time. I have been unable to trace Lau Kam Fung. by 1944 the property had reverted to the ownership of the China Hong Nin Life Insurance Co, with whom it had been mortgaged. As the war had not yet ended in 1944, the purchaser must have gambled on making a good profit from developing the large plot whichever side won. The entire document is in Japanese.