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Pages tagged: dysentery

Cecil Rowland Brook DRUMMOND [1882-1897]

Submitted by eurasian_david on Fri, 01/31/2025 - 05:27

"A YOUNG naval cadet named Cecil Rowland Brook Drummond belonging to H.M.S. Undaunted, who had just arrived in Hongkong from the Britannia, died in the Naval Hospital yesterday. Dysentery was the cause of death. The funeral took place at the Happy Valley this afternoon with the usual naval honours."

Shek WONG [c.1861-1887]

Submitted by eurasian_david on Sun, 06/11/2023 - 07:06

A 26 year old prisoner in the Hong Kong Victoria Gaol since 13th October 1886 sentenced to 6 months' hard labour but died when still in prison from dysentry. An inquest was held into the circumstances of his death and future recommendations to the care of prisoners were made. 


H) The Rations

Submitted by Suziepie on Sun, 04/01/2012 - 12:45

The Rations

By June, 1942, the Japanese appeared to realise that they had gone too far in their efforts to discover on how little the hated foreigner could keep body and soul together. They announced that they realised Europeans needed bread, and they issued a few ounces of flour per head daily. A little meat was also supplied. The rations, however, were still usually 1,000 calories below the recognised League of Nations minimum of 2,500 calories.