Everything tagged: Jardine Matheson

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Pages tagged: Jardine Matheson

Jose Phillippe DA COSTA [1835-1885]

Submitted by eurasian_david on

"MR J.P. da Costa, one of the oldest residents in the Colony and for 30 years in the employ of Messrs Jardine, Matheson & Co., after a week's illness, died at his residence at No. 12 Caine Road early this morning, from chronic diarrhoea. Mr da Costa reached his 50th birthday last May. He leaves behind him a widowed mother, four sons and one daughter, and two nieces and three nephews, all of whom were dependent upon him for support."

Jardines / Lord Saltoun's House [1841-1846]

Submitted by Herostratus on

Sometime in 1841, perhaps very soon after the sale of 14 June 1841, they obtained a transfer from a Captain Ramsay of what was then Town Lot 42, and there erected a large house of which the Canton Press caustically commented that "on entering the harbour, you perceive the most commanding site, disfigured by a hybrid erection, half New South Wales and half native production, which is a foretaste of the architectural absurdities to be perpetrated on this island


An account of Hong Kong leading up to the Japanese invasion in 1941

Submitted by Hugh Dulley on

"A Voyage to War: An Englishmans's Account of Hong Kong 1936-41" by Hugh Dulley

A brief description of the book:-

Hugh Dulley’s father (Peter Dulley) and mother (Therese Sander) met in Hong Kong on New Year’s Eve 1935. Four years later at the outbreak of war, Peter, a weekend sailor, was called up in the Hong Kong Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. He eventually graduated to command an ocean-going tug of 500 tons from Hong Kong to Aden. En route he called at islands still enjoying pre-war peacetime and navigated across the Indian Ocean using a sextant.

China Sugar Refinery - East Point 1870s

Submitted by isioux on

In trying to trace a possible relative listed in 1872 at "China Sugar Refinery East Point "- was that part of Jardine Matheson & Co ?

The books I've consulted don't go into this subsidiary company.

Did they ship sugar to Japan an bring back silk?  Does anyone know where to find any records of the ships, the voyages and the Masters?

thank you for your help,  
