Everything tagged: Tai Hang Road

Photos tagged: Tai Hang Road


Pages tagged: Tai Hang Road

1 Wang Fung Terrace [c.1933-c.1953]

Submitted by Klaus on Sun, 04/21/2019 - 00:28

House built on IL 3289.

Public Works Department (source: HKGRO) announced on 13th November, 1931 the sale of IL 3289 located at "The new Road from Tai Hang to Stubbs Road" with contents of 158.000 sq. feet. The auction was scheduled for Monday, 30th November 1931, 3 p.m.

Probably the new house was finished in 1933. It stood less than two decades as is was probably damaged during WWII. On a photo from 1945, the site looks empty. It was replaced by Grandview Mansion in 1955.