Trenches along Maclehose Trail stage 4 (around 22.406128N/114.262329E) [????- ]

Submitted by tngan on
Current condition

I attempt section 4 of the MacLehose Trail on the hottest Sunday of the year earlier.  I actually didn't make it but that's another story.  Before I quit and while I was on the way, I noticed in some places around Wong Chuk Yeung and beyond, there seemed to be trenches right next to the path.  I took this photo at around 22.406128, 114.262329:

One other thing I noticed while I was browsing the GeoInfo Map site is that there seemed to be some military structures in the area too.  At the GeoInfo Site one of the photos showed the interior of a pillbox, with tourists.

This one taken at around 22.405972, 114.261917 is easier to spot:

I wonder if these are WWII relics.

Best Regards,



Hi there,

I attempted stage 4 again yesterday but I started from Gilwell Camp.  It's easier this way.  From my observation these trenches could be found along the trail in quite a few places, even up the Ma On Shan slope.  I'll try to map out these trenches later. 

Referring to maps, the trenches appeared to be located between M073 & M076 markers.  Have to go for another hike later to confirm.  Some are right next to the path, some a slightly deviated.  Visual check for some of them were waist deep and some seemed to be filled with silt or dead branches.  Most are overgrown.

I was unable to locate the pillbox near Wong Chuk Yeung though.  When I was there is was already getting dark.  Have to go there again in broad daylight for that.

Best Regards,


Hi there,

I went and started at Shui Long Wo again yesterday (28th August), in an attempt to have a closer look at the trenches.  I guess I could confirm there is a network of trenches between the M075 and M076 markers on the Maclehose Trail.  I observed at two locations there are branches going off perpendicularly to the path side trench.


Also at a few locations the trench could be as deep as my height.

I have also discovered another section of the trenches near Pyramid Hill.  That would be somewhere between the M080 and M081 markers.  I guess it's like Rob says, there are trenches everywhere over there.

I even did a little bush whacking from the Old Wong Chuk Yeung Village going across the woods towards Maclehose Trail but I was unable to locate the pill box as shown (as a photo) in the GeoInfo Map site.  If you folks want to go there, beware of wasps.  One of those side tracks are swarming with wasps.  I was lucky, I had been moving very slowly in the woods.  Maybe that's why they didn't see we as a threat.

I am pretty sure are are more of these trenches out there now.

Best Regards,


ps   Even for cooler days you would need lots of lots of water and snacks along the way.

Hi There,

You just select the Maclehose's Trail section four from the Hiking Trail section of GeoInfo Map and a new frame will pop-up with the photos.  Scroll through the photos and you should be able to see it.  There is one photo taken inside the pillbox.  I had been trying to locate it myself a few years ago but it was too hot on my previous visits, thus I did not push into the bushes.

Thanks & Best Regards,