Grand Hotel / Oriental Hotel - Queen's Road Central [????-1929]

Submitted by annelisec on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date closed / demolished

Hong Kong Telegraph - 2 February 1911

"Mr. H.R. Cochrane, accountant of Mercantile Bank of India, fell from the verandah of the bank mess into Queen's Road, opposite the Grand Hotel."

Sadly, Mr. Cochrane died.

Previous place(s) at this location
Later place(s) at this location


Photos that show this Place



For those with a lot of time on their hands, this is one convoluted story to unravel! It looks like an interesting story.

Grand Hotel was formerly known as Oriental Hotel prior to at least 6th June 1911. Before that in 1907 it was known as the Thomas Hotel. There was a period when it was closed due to debts before that. This is the building based at QRC.


And an Oriental Hotel used to be based at 3 Wellington Street at least from 1857-1876 as approximate dates. So the name Oriental Hotel was at two different locations. I’m not sure if the second is a continuation of the first as a business venture or just happened to be a reused name but a completely different business.


The research will involve poring through all the Carl Smith cards and the Jury Lists to find out names of proprietors and when addresses changed etc.