A new feature of the present issue ... is the extended
Index, wherein will be found the names and addresses
of the executive officers of the various Missions in
China.- Preface March 28, 1936
It could provide basic but important reference to find the links of some different mission workers who had continued their work in Hong Kong later in the 40s and 50s. Possibly some gwulo readers may find it useful for their research. Full text search is supported for it.
e.g. it covers at least in three parts :
Cheungchow, Hongkong : 2 persons named (p.21, in original's numbering)
Hongkong : from A.G. (Assemblies of God) to Y.W.C.A., total 16 organisations named, with persons related (p.22)
Kowloon, Hongkong : 15 persons named (p.22)