Medical Defence Plan (3)

Submitted by brian edgar on Fri, 09/20/2024 - 21:00

The relief/emergency/temporary hospitals were (building on this thread

University of Hong Kong

St Paul's (attached to main hospital)

Happy Valley Racecourse

St Stephen's College (Stanley)

St Stephen's Girls School (?)

Stanley Prison - moved during the fighting  to become the basis for what was to be Tweed Bay Hospital in Stanley Camp? 

Hong Kong Hotel

La Salle College  (Kowloon)

Peninsula Hotel (Kowloon) - never opened 

Central British School (Kowloon) (?)


I've put question marks by three locations because I've only seen one source for each whole the others are well attested.

This source seems to suggest that the Central British School (now King George V) was turned into a military hospital in 1940. If so it probably continued in that capacity through the hostilities: