John Graham ANDERSON (aka Graham) [1830-1882]

Submitted by AndersonTCD on Thu, 06/20/2024 - 18:02
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John Graham
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United Kingdom

Father of Joseph Anderson (Hung Kam-Shing) and Henry Graham Anderson (Hung Kam-Ning) - mother was thought to be Annie Sawgan. See Peter Hall's book.

John Graham Anderson was son of Andrew Anderson surgeon to 92nd Highlanders from Selkirk in borders of Scotland. He worked in HK for House of Dent. He was born in Ireland because Andrew was the surgeon there for the 92nd.

He married Rosa MM Pollard daughter of Edward Hutchinson Pollard in HK at St John's Cathedral in Aug 1864.

Joseph and Henry's families were prolific and many descendants exist to this day - many of whom have continued to use the name "Graham Anderson" - and John's red hair has followed the line.

John Graham Anderson Chronology



1830-31           John Graham Anderson is born, son of Dr. Andrew Anderson and Georgina Graham. Family is originally from Selkirk, Scotland. A long tradition of doctors and travelers runs in the family, including two uncles, Thomas and Alexander, who lived in China in the 1830s and 1840s.


1841                 Listed in the Scotland Census as aged 10, residing at 40 Minto Street, St Cuthbert’s, Edinburgh. Other siblings include elder sister Anne and elder brother Thomas.


1850                 Arrives in Hong Kong/Canton and becomes an employee of Dent & Co.


1850-56           Most likely resident in Canton.


1851                 Listed in the Chinese Repository as a resident of Canton.


1852                 Survives a pirate attack while traveling by boat near Tiger Island. Included in the party is John Dent of Dent & Co. and a British consular official.


1856                 Establishes a business partnership with D.W. Mackenzie, a Canton-based merchant, under the name D.W. Mackenzie & Co. (ref: Carl Smith)


                           A daughter is born on April 10 to a Chinese mother. This daughter eventually marries Lam Fai Wing (also Eurasian) and becomes known as Hung Lam Shi.


1857-9             Listed as a resident on Elgin Street in the Hong Kong Jury List.


1858                 In December, relinquishes his interest in D.W. Mackenzie & Co.


c. 1858/9        Hung Kam Shing aka Joseph, a Eurasian son, is born in Hong Kong.


1860                 Listed as a resident of Spring Gardens in the Hong Kong Jury List.

Named executor of John Swail Fisher Coleman’s estate.

In August, arrives in Marseilles from HK en route to the UK.

In September, attends the Northern Meeting annual ball in Inverness.


1861                 Largely absent from Hong Kong (not on Jury List).

On Jan. 12, departs Marseilles for HK on board P & O steamer Pera.

                           On Dec. 30, a “Mr. Anderson” arrives in HK from England via Peking.

Dr. Andrew Anderson dies in Edinburgh, aged 77.


1861/62          Hung Kam Ning aka Henry Graham, a Eurasian son, is born around this time.


1862                 Listed as a Bill-Broker and special juror in the Hong Kong Jury List.


1863                 Listed as a resident on Hollywood Road in the Hong Kong Jury List.

Becomes an investor in US ship “Wild Pigeon.”


1864                 On Jan. 4, a “Mr. Anderson” departs Southampton for HK on board a P&O steamer.

Listed as a resident on Albert Road in the Hong Kong Jury List.


On Aug. 2, marries Rose Mary Pollard of Glebe, Australia (born about 1843), at St. John’s Cathedral, HK. Rose Mary’s father is E.H. Pollard, a prominent barrister in Hong Kong.


1865                 Listed as a resident on Caine Road in the Hong Kong Jury List.


1866                 Absent from HK Jury List.

In January, departs HK for the UK and arrives in March.

In April, attends the 2nd annual China Dinner in London. D.W. Mackenzie is also at that dinner.

On May 28, testifies before House of Commons Select Committee on Mortality of Troops.


1867                 Absent from HK Jury List.

On February 13, departs Marseilles on board P&O steamer Purnah for Hong Kong (ref: London & China Telegraph).

Listed as sole owner of U.S. ship “Wild Pigeon.”   


1868                 Listed as a resident of Mosque Terrace in the HK Jury List.

                           On Nov. 8, Rose gives birth to Mary Graham in HK (ref: London & China



1869                 Listed as a resident in “The Albany” in the HK Jury List. An auction of his furniture takes place on September 30.

Leaves Hong Kong with Rose Mary and Mary Graham to settle in Scotland.


1870                 Daughter Josephine D’Arcy is born in Scotland.


1871                 Mother Georgina dies in Edinburgh, aged 72.

Listed in the England Census as a lodger with his family at Gangmon House, St. John, Hampstead, London.


1871-72           Son Edward is born in Scotland.


1873                 Son George Graham is born in Blackheath, Kent. 

Hung Kam Shing enrolls in Hong Kong’s Central School.


1874                 Minutes of Diocesan School meeting, July 27: “boys Kum Sing and Kum Ling, their reputed father Mr. Anderson, had left the home because their mother refused to allow them to be baptized.” (ref: Carl Smith)


1875                 Son Duncan is born in Blackheath, Kent.

                           Admitted by the City of London to work as a broker, with residence at 14 Great Winchester Street.


1876                 Listed as executor of Alexander Rodger’s estate (London Gazette).

                           Daughter Annie is born in Blackheath, Kent.

                           Brother Lt Colonel Thomas Anderson dies in Devon.


1877                 Hung Kam shing appointed pupil teacher at Central School on April 26 on an annual

                           salary of £18,15.


1878                 Daughter Rose Shawood is born in Blackheath, Kent.


1879                 Hung Kam Shing is appointed 3rd interpreter at HK Supreme Court.


1880                 Listed in the London Gazette as a resident of 14 Great Winchester Street, London.

Listed in the Guildhall List as an exchange broker.


1881                 Listed as Graham Anderson in the UK Census, aged 50, Broker, born in Ireland, resident of 14 Stainton Place, Greenwich, and married to Rose Mary.


Hung Kam Ning appointed clerk in the Marine Surveyor’s Office.


1882                 John Graham Anderson dies in Blackheath, Kent on January 13, aged 52. Executors of his estate are Rose Mary Anderson, Richard Palmer Ashton and John Paton.


                           Hung Kam Shing appointed 2nd Chinese Interpreter at the Magistracy.


c. 1882-83       Hung Kam Ning marries Chan Lai Kau (Mary Mackenzie).


1884                 Hung Kam Ning and Hung Kam Shing donate funds to help create Stewart Scholarship at Central School.


Hung Kam Ning is appointed 5th clerk in the Harbour Department.

His first child, a daughter named Hung Pik Ann, is born.


1887                 Hung Kam Shing appointed 1st Chinese Interpreter at the Police Magistrate’s Office

                           on Nov 1, with an annual salary of $960.


1888                 Hung Kam Ning appointed 2nd Chinese Interpreter at the Police Magistrate’s

Office on Jan 6, with an annual salary of $720.


1892                 Hung Kam Shing resigns from the HK Magistracy and is replaced by Hung Kam Ning.


1896                 Hung Kam Ning appointed acting assistant interpreter at the Supreme Court on April 22, with an annual salary of $2,000.


                           Hung Kam Ning begins to receive an annual pension of $360 on January 1 after his post as 1st Chinese Interpreter at the Magistracy is abolished. His annual salary had been $1,152. His age is listed as 35.


1898                 Hung Kam Ning listed as the sworn interpreter of a Po Leung Kok Society annual report.


1899                 Hung Kam Ning listed in the China Directory as an employee of Banker & Co.

                           working in the treaty port of Wuchow.


1905-08           Hung Kam Ning listed in the China Directory as an interpreter for the British

                           solicitor John Hastings in HK.


1907                 Hung Kam Shing dies?


1912                 Rose Shawood Anderson marries G.R. Mills of publishing company Mills and Boon

(ref: Singapore Straits Times).


1915                 Hung Lam Shi dies on November 26, aged 59. She is buried in the Roman Catholic

                           Cemetery in HK.


1919                 Ms. Hung Kam Ning, Mrs. Hung Kam Shing, her daughter, and her sons Joseph and Charles Overbeck Anderson are listed as passengers on a ship returning to HK from Shanghai on August 15 (ref: North China Herald passenger lists). As Hung Kam Ning is not on the list, he was presumably living in Shanghai so were they visiting him?

Hung Kam Ning dies in Shanghai on Oct. 20, aged 57. In the British Consul-General’s

Register of Deaths, he is listed as Henry Graham Anderson, residing at 440 Hardoon Road with his eldest son Hugh. His profession is listed as Chief Clerk of the HK Supreme Court. Hugh registers the death on October 23. It is not known where the burial took place.


Hung Kam Ning’s wife, Mary, begins to receive an annual widow’s pension of

                           $194.40 on October 21. In the HK Civil Service’s Pension List, she is

                           listed as “Hung Chan Shi” and her date of birth is September 14, 1861.

1927                 Rose Mary Anderson dies in Bromley, Kent on Jan.11, aged 79.




From 1867 Mercantile Navy List and Maritime Directory

Alphabetical List of Registered Vessels

Official No.      Name of Ship and        […]             Name and Address of Sole

Port of Registry                        Registered or of Managing Owners 

41252              Wild Pigeon, Hong Kong             Graham Anderson, Hong Kong


From Papers Relating to Foreign Affairs accompanying the annual message of the president to the second session 38th congress, Part II, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1865. 

Statistics in regard to American vessels sold to British subjects in 1863 

A return of the number and tonnage of American (United States) vessels

Name of Ship     Tonnage        Name and address of owner 

Wild Pigeon        769               William Morrice, of Leighton Buzzard,

(foreign name                          Bedfordshire, merchant, who transfers

not given)                                  his interest to Graham Anderson, of Hong Kong

Particulars, if mortgaged

Mortgage, dated 8th December, 1863, for 40,000 dollars, with interest at 12 per cent, to Epsto P. Fabbie, and Frederick Channcy, of New York, United States of America, merchants.


Hong Kong Jury List

1857                 Anderson, Graham                  Merchant                      Elgin St

1858                 Anderson, Graham                  Merchant                      Elgin St

1859                 Anderson, Graham                  Merchant                      Elgin St

1860                 Anderson, Graham*                Merchant                      Spring Gardens

1862                 Anderson, G.                             Bill-Broker                   n.a.

1863                 Anderson, Graham*                Bill Broker                   Hollywood Rd

1864                 Anderson, Graham*                Broker                                        Albert Rd

1865                 Anderson, John Graham*             Broker                                        Caine Rd

1868                 Anderson, Graham                  Broker                                        4, Mosque Terrace

1869                 Anderson, Graham*                Broker                                        “The Albany”


* special juror

- absent in 1861, 1866-7


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