Chinese YMCA Student Hostel [1913-c.1960]

Submitted by Klaus on Sun, 06/16/2024 - 00:50
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day & Month are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

Was located on the western part of I.L. 1757 at no. 70 Bridges Street (See Index of streets […] 1937) between Ladder Street and Tank Lane. The 1924 map on Gwulo gives the label YMCA for this building.

A YMCA presentation (The-Y’s-Men’s-Movement-with-YMCA-–.pptx ( refers: 

A piece of land at Bridges Street was granted by the Government to build the student hostel with donations received from UK, USA and New Zealand. Sir Francis H. May the new Governor, officiated the Opening Ceremony in mid-1913.

Additionally, in an article about J.L. McPherson, the first  Hong Kong YMCA General Secretary, the following is referred to from a report for 1912/13:

The Student Hostel was completed that year, and the Playground attached to it. It was noted in the report that the Student Hostel was well-situated, the largest schools in Hong Kong being not five minutes’ walk away. The Playground was small, but large enough for volleyball, basketball and indoor baseball.

The playground mentioned above is likely the place listed as Garden Lot 40 [????-????].

The building was possibly demolished around 1960 and replaced by the building of the YMCA Christian Academy (foundation stone laid 25 May 1961).

Addendum: the American Board Mission - Congregational Church [????-????] is not listed in the 1937 street index.

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