Kuhn and Co. / Kuhn and Komor / Komor and Komor [1863-1936]

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The company's closing was reported on p.12 of Hong Kong Sunday Herald, 1936-02-02. The article gives a good overview of the company's history:


Firm Closing Down In Hong Kong


In 1863 a certain Mr. Kuhn arrived in the Colony and opened a small business in all kinds of Chinese products. He being an old man and the business increasing beyond the capacity of one pair of hands, he shortly afterwards brought his nephew, Mr. Arthur Kuhn, from Hungary to assist him. The firm's name at that time was Kuhn and Co.

In 1867 the volume of business had become too great for two men to handle alone and a Mr. S. Komor joined the firm as assistant manager. His love of fine art and absorption in the study of antiques soon made him widely known as an expert in Oriental art and curios. Ten years later, in 1877, Mr. Komor obtained a partnership and the name of the firm was changed to Kuhn and Komor.

Komor And Komor

Gradually all the curio business of the firm was turned over to Mr. Komor, the Kuhns only interesting themselves in wholesale import and export. In 1910 Mr. Komor took over from his partners the curio department as a separate business, under the name of Komor and Komor, and brought his two sons, Henry and George, from Europe to join the firm as employees. Mr. S. Komor died on February 15 last year and the store and interests of Komor and Komor are now in the hands of these two sons, who are just as well known as their father all over the world as curio experts.

Owing to the world-wide depression, which has stopped many wealthy tourists from travelling as formerly, the business suffered severely, expenses being barely covered in 1934 and 1935, while there were indications of the possibility of still further losses in the future. In these circumstances Messrs. Komor have decided to close their store for the time being, re-opening in Hong Kong when conditions permit, and have made arrangements for a local agency only.

New Ground

Meanwhile they intend opening stores in various cities in all parts of the world. Both Mr. H. S. and Mr. G. F. Komor are leaving for America next month and expect to open their first new store in San Francisco, this being the main port of entry in the United Staten for Oriental goods. According to their further tentative programme one of them will travel all over America, giving exhibitions of Oriental art and curios and deciding on the best places in which to open. Their Shanghai house will continue to do the purchasing on this side and a cousin, Mr. George Komor, will handle the export of Japanese lines.

Need For Selection

When the decision was made to close the Hong Kong store and exhibit the stock elsewhere it was found that $100,000 worth of goods could not be taken round the world except at enormous expense and subject to many difficulties. It was for this reason that Komor and Komor held their recent closing sale, in which many wonderful curios were offered at cost price, and with the results of which they had every reason to be gratified, seeing that the people of Hong Kong appreciated the bargains offered and bought largely.

Chance For Collectors

After this closing sale the Messrs. Komor made a final selection of the goods to be packed, choosing for the new stores to be opened only the old and irreplaceable objects of their stock. The remainder, consisting of a large quantity of porcelain and lacquer, a few ivories, silks etc., will be auctioned during next month. All other every-day articles are being ordered new through their buyers in Shanghai and Japan.

It is a matter of regret that an old firm like that of Komor and Komor should be closing down; but it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good, and local collectors will thus be given another opportunity of acquiring, at giveaway prices, many beautiful and valuable articles. The auction sale, which will be conducted by Messrs. Lammert Bros. on Komor and Komors' premises, will begin at 10 a.m. on Monday, February 3.

Date organisation created
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Date organisation closed
(Day & Month are approximate.)
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