Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date closed / demolished
(Month is approximate.)
The site initially was dominated by Shell in the pre-war period. Post-war it was dominated by Caltex in the 1950s but later in the early 1960s Shell and Mobil muscled in.
The Harrison Forman photo…
The Harrison Forman photo from 1941 at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee libraries.
demolished around 1965
The petrol station still there in 1964
This 1965 picture shows some workers were setting up a garden there with the petrol station removed.
This 1966 picture shows the place was converted to a rest area.
Therefore the petrol station was removed around 1965
gascoigne-nathan junction reconstruction
This news report on 1964-12-12 about the road improvement around the Gascoigne rd-Nathan road junction. The junction would be moved south by 70 yards to Astor theatre . The rest area near that junction including the petrol station would also be demolished. A new rest garden would be constructed. It was going to take 4 month. Therefore the petrol station was indeed demolished in early 1965.
Map of that junction before reconstruction in 1965
Map of that junction after reconstruction in 1970
This picture in 1965 shows that the Gascoigne-Nathan junction has moved south closer to the Astor theater. The old rest garden north of the theatre was gone and a new rest area was created. Workers were working on the new rest area.